Shuning Xie

Rational and Emotion Space

In this project, I am trying to create a series of spaces that support emotional or rational states to establish an environment that enhances equal rights and empowers women's interests. In this concept, the term "emotional architecture" was intro- duced by Mexican architect Luis Barragán and sculptor-painter Mathias Goéritz, using this concept as a starting point to encourage and guide visitors' expression and meditation through spatial form, functional layout, materials, color, light, and shadows. And along with the flow of spatial functions, rational space is then created to emphasize the whole balanced living state. The whole space is designed by applying a series of spatial strategies, such as radial and linear planning strategies, solid and vold vertical strategies, to better realize the effect of the design concept.

  1. Interior Design Studio V
    IRN 501
    Greg Parsons
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